Township of Sugar Grove
54 Snow Street
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Phone: (630) 466-4283
Fax: (630) 409-3150
General Assistance
All townships in Illinois are statutorily mandated by the legislature to levy taxes and administer general assistance for destitute township residents.
General Assistance (GA) is a locally administered welfare program which provides monthly financial assistance to persons who do not have adequate income or resources to provide for their own basic needs. To qualify, the individual must meet certain financial and residential criteria, and not be eligible for any other state or federal assistance programs. Contact the Township Office at (630) 466-4283 for more information.
Who is eligible for GA?
Any township resident 18 years or older who is either a U.S. resident or legal alien admitted under current U.S. Immigration law. The General Assistance Program is primarily for those adults without minor children, without adequate income, and ineligible for any other monetary forms of assistance.
Emergency Assistance Program
Applicants who do not qualify for General Assistance may still qualify for Emergency Assistance. To qualify for this program, the applicant must be:
- 30-days or more behind in their rent,
- have received a 5-day notice from their landlord, and
- meet specific financial criteria based on household size.
- Utilities: at least 30-days behind; a disconnection from the utility company will be necessary for Township consideration under this program.
This assistance is available only once in an 12-month period, and other criteria will be reviewed to ascertain if the applicant is eligible.
Who is eligible for EA?
Any township resident 18 years or older who is either a U.S. resident or legal alien. Emergency Assistance may be available for adults with minor children. This program is limited to rental situations only, and subject to the above listed criteria.
How Does a Resident Apply for Assistance?
A general/emergency assistance application can be obtained from the township office or click here to download and print out a PDF copy of the GA application. After an application is completed an applicant will meet with a case manager who will review his/her case and decide what other documents must be provided to consider eligibility status.
If an applicant is disabled and unable to come to the township office, a case manager can bring an application and conduct the oral interview at the individual’s residence.
Referral Services
Sugar Grove Township case manager has established a strong networking relationship with many other Sugar Grove/Kane County agencies. Case managers work extensively with all individuals to ensure they are given every resource above and beyond our assistance program to assist them in their individual situations. Referral services will explained in more detail when you contact the Township for possible assistance.
Emergency Assistance – Guidelines and Payment Levels
Sugar Grove Township hereby establishes an Emergency Assistance Program for persons and/or families who qualify according to written standards as adopted by Sugar Grove Township. Emergency Assistance is authorized by said statute for purposes of alleviating life-threatening circumstances or obtaining self-sufficiency. Sugar Grove Township has adopted the Township Supervisors of Illinois most current Emergency Assistance Manual rules and regulations.
The following guidelines are hereby incorporated as an addendum to the aforesaid Manual:
To be eligible for Emergency Assistance Benefits the person or family applying must be a resident of the township.
Payment will be up to $700 per household depending on need and qualifications, payable once in a 12 month period. Emergency Assistance is available to those who do not qualify for the Township’s General Assistance program.
For rental payments assistance, the applicant must have a current 5-day Eviction notice from the property owner, and proof that they are 30-days or more behind in their rent. If the amount owed, not counting the application month is more than 3 times the payment amount, no payments may be made.
For utilities (water, electric, gas), the applicant must have a current Disconnection Notice from the utility company.
Applicants must be able to provide proof of the remaining balance being met through either their own funds, or proof of assistance from other service agencies; or the applicant must be able to provide satisfactory proof that the Property Owner has signed the Landlord agreement, or that the Utility Company has agreed to a payment Schedule.
All applicants must otherwise qualify in accordance with Financial and non-Financial eligibility requirements set forth in both the General and Emergency Assistance manuals and any addenda or amendments thereto.
When all the paperwork is completed including obtaining a copy of the fire report, the applicant then calls for an appointment with the Township’s General Assistance Caseworker at (630) 466-4283.
Adopted February 2, 2016
In accordance with Section 6-10 of Article VI (General Assistance) of the Illinois Public Aid Code, 305 ILCS 5/6-1-et seq., Sugar Grove Township hereby establishes an Emergency Assistance Program for persons and/or families in case of damage to a residence due to fire or natural disaster, who qualify according to written standards as adopted by Sugar Grove Township. . Sugar Grove Township has adopted the most current version of the Township Supervisors of Illinois Emergency Assistance Manual rules and regulations.
The following guidelines are hereby incorporated as an addendum to the aforesaid Manual:
- To be eligible for the Township’s-Fire Damage/or other Disaster Damages to Residence, the person or family applying must:
- Be resident(s) of the township
- Have been residing in a house or apartment in which the fire or other disaster occurred and the fire or other disaster to the house or apartment must have rendered the residence uninhabitable. The fire or other disaster must have occurred no more than 45 days prior to the application for assistance.
- Make a written application for Emergency Assistance, and in the case of fire damage, said application is to be accompanied by a copy of the fire report from the Fire Department.
- Meet the income standard adopted by the Township as described below.
- Not have alternative coverage for loss of use or temporary housing expenses through either a homeowners or renters insurance policy.
- Be recommended to the Township as in need for this assistance by either the Red Cross or the Salvation Army in conjunction with their existing programs for shelter assistance.
- Shelter assistance under this program, if approved, shall be paid directly to the vendor (landlord) for payment of rent for substitute housing. The maximum benefits for rent are $750.00 for a single applicant and $1,000.00 for any applicant with spouse or dependents. There will be only one such benefit payment per family unit.
- The rental property for substitute housing must be located within 15 miles of the Sugar Grove Township boundaries.
- The rental property for substitute housing must comply with all applicable zoning ordinances, regulations, and housing codes for jurisdiction in which the property is located.
- Emergency Assistance will be provided only once to any applicant within any one consecutive 12 month period.
- Financial and non-financial criteria for eligibility as set forth in the Township Supervisors of Illinois General Assistance Manual and Emergency Assistance Manual will be applied.
- Payment for shelter under this program shall be available for a total period of 6 months.
An applicant receiving assistance under this program may only make an application once in any consecutive 12-month period.
If there is any variance between said Manuals and this Addendum, this Addendum shall control.
If an individual has a monthly gross income of more than $1,667.00, or a family has a monthly gross income of more than $4,167.00, they will be deemed to not meet the income standard adopted by the Township for this program.
When all the paperwork is completed including obtaining a copy of the fire report, and the agency referral, the applicant then calls for an appointment with:
Sugar Grove Township Offices
General Assistance Case Manager
54 Snow Street, P.O. Box 465
Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554
(630) 466-4283