Tom Rowe, Supervisor
Township of Sugar Grove
54 Snow Street
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Phone: (630) 466-4283
Fax: (630) 409-3150
Office Hours:
Tues/Thurs. 8am to 4pm
We want to be available to serve you with information concerning our township and the services available to you, including senior citizens and residents from our township in need of financial assistance. For further information, please call the Township office.
The following is a summary description of the direct services provided and phone numbers for the office’s primary services:
General Assistance
State statues mandate that townships provide welfare or general assistance funded through the local real estate tax levy to benefit destitute township residents who do not qualify for other programs such as public aid, social security income, or social security disability benefits. Qualifications for assistance must be met and monthly meetings are required to determine eligibility. Inquire at the Township offices for more information.
Senior Center
The Sugar Grove Township Senior Center opened in 2010 at 54 Snow Street with the cooperation of the Sugar Grove Park District and the Sugar Grove Library. Some of the activities held there are Sugar Grove Park District programs and local government and non-profit meetings. For further information you may contact the Township offices or the Sugar Grove Park District.